10 Grocery stores using reusable shopping bags: Walmart and Wegmans included
10 Grocery stores using reusable shopping bags: Walmart and Wegmans included
In the past two years, grocery shopping has undergone a significant adjustment. Despite the rise in the popularity of food delivery, shortages are still commonplace. However, certain retailers, like Walmart, Target, and others, are already implementing a significant overhaul that will alter your shopping experience.
The regional grocery chain Wegmans, which has stores in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virginia, Maryland, Massachusetts, North Carolina, and New York, has now declared that it will stop using plastic bags throughout the entire organization by the end of this year.
The announcement comes only days before New Jersey, which will join states like California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, New York, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington in banning plastic bags statewide, goes into force on May 4, 2022.
One of the most stringent commitments a grocery chain makes is Wegmans' promise to entirely ban what experts refer to as an environmental concern throughout all of its stores. According to the adored grocery store, 20 to 25 percent of purchases are already made using only paper bags; however, by banning plastic, 345 million pounds of single-use bags will be taken out of circulation in a single year.
"We understand shoppers are accustomed to receiving plastic bags at checkout, and losing that option requires a significant change," Wegmans' category merchant for packing, energy, and sustainability, Jason Wadsworth, says. "We are here to help our customers with this transition as we focus on doing what's right for the environment."
>>> 7 Most popular types of paper bag for various purposes
While grocery retailers must abide by plastic bag prohibitions in places where they have been passed, many have joined the Consortium to Reinvent the Retail Bag's Beyond the Bag Initiative to do away with them altogether. The initiative aims to find, test, and deploy fresh design ideas to do away with single-use plastic bags.
Members include Target, Hy-Vee, Giant Eagle, Meijer, Walgreens, Walmart, CVS, and Albertsons. Along with participating in the effort, Kroger declared in 2018 that it would do away with plastic bags by 2025.
You have two choices if you buy at Wegmans or at a grocery store in a state where plastic bags are prohibited: carry your reusable bag or ask for paper bags (which often come with a fee).
For those who do not reside in these regions but wish to reduce their reliance on single-use bags, purchasing reusable choices is wise.
The regional grocery chain Wegmans, which has stores in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virginia, Maryland, Massachusetts, North Carolina, and New York, has now declared that it will stop using plastic bags throughout the entire organization by the end of this year.
The announcement comes only days before New Jersey, which will join states like California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, New York, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington in banning plastic bags statewide, goes into force on May 4, 2022.
One of the most stringent commitments a grocery chain makes is Wegmans' promise to entirely ban what experts refer to as an environmental concern throughout all of its stores. According to the adored grocery store, 20 to 25 percent of purchases are already made using only paper bags; however, by banning plastic, 345 million pounds of single-use bags will be taken out of circulation in a single year.
"We understand shoppers are accustomed to receiving plastic bags at checkout, and losing that option requires a significant change," Wegmans' category merchant for packing, energy, and sustainability, Jason Wadsworth, says. "We are here to help our customers with this transition as we focus on doing what's right for the environment."
>>> 7 Most popular types of paper bag for various purposes
Other supermarkets are adopting this ban on plastic bags
While grocery retailers must abide by plastic bag prohibitions in places where they have been passed, many have joined the Consortium to Reinvent the Retail Bag's Beyond the Bag Initiative to do away with them altogether. The initiative aims to find, test, and deploy fresh design ideas to do away with single-use plastic bags.Members include Target, Hy-Vee, Giant Eagle, Meijer, Walgreens, Walmart, CVS, and Albertsons. Along with participating in the effort, Kroger declared in 2018 that it would do away with plastic bags by 2025.
You have two choices if you buy at Wegmans or at a grocery store in a state where plastic bags are prohibited: carry your reusable bag or ask for paper bags (which often come with a fee).
For those who do not reside in these regions but wish to reduce their reliance on single-use bags, purchasing reusable choices is wise.