Journey of Heart season 1: April date with Konrong, DakLak, Vietnam
Journey of Heart season 1: April date with Konrong, DakLak, Vietnam
8:00 pm
The Khang Thanh Packaging company's bus trip started rolling, splitting along more than 600km, with loving gifts for the people of Kon Rong, Vietnam.
First day
5:00 amIn contrast to the bustling Kon Tum city, Kon Rong area is almost separated from the outside world. Bounding over rolling hills is a road stretching over 60km, just enough for a vehicle. One side is the mountain, the other is the edge, but, that difficult and dangerous path could not stop the journey of love going forward.
5:00 pm
After more than 20 hours of travelling, we finally arrived in Kon Rong, and attended a mass on a small hill. More than 500 ethnic Bana brothers were presented here. We shared a praise melody in the sacred space of the mountains.
There are no lights, no electricity, but it seemed that everything was clear, conscious and self-conscious. Such a tender and peaceful scene.
The night and flickering lights could not overwhelm the singing of the people of Kon Rong
19:00 pm
It seemed like it’s been a long time since the last time the front yard of Kon Rong village was as crowded and bustling as it was tonight.
200 gifts were prepared for everyone. Although it is just bags of rice, noodles, and necessities, but perhaps for the people here, they are more meaningful gifts than ever. We and the volunteers urgently classified and arranged each gift. Adults waited anxiously, children were curious and eager.
The gifts were hand-delivered to every Kon Rong people. It is not difficult to see the eyes full of excitement and the bright smile of the recipient. Simple happiness like this moment, where a heart goes and a smile stays.

These gifts, simple yet priceless, because they were a gift of “giving and receiving”.
Second day
4:30 amIn the cold weather of the highlands, adults and children wake up very early to prepare for the weekend Mass.
Today was a special day before Easter, every Kon Rong citizen brought a leaf to commemorate and show reverence. No tables and chairs, no comfort, but the atmosphere was still full of solemnity and holiness.

Unsurprisingly at 4:30 am, Kon Rong children were present enough to attend the weekend Mass

And even more surprising, when all shoes were left outside the cathedral, but no one took the wrong ones. When you get used to bare feet, these sandals seem to have been a blessing to them.
8:00 am
That was a quiet morning to watch the world around. Beauty presented even in unbelievable spots. From candies, cakes, to worms, termites. All of them are joys and wonders here.
Ordinary beauty is not far away. It is innocent face and bare feet and legs, it is a mother's back covering her child, or sharing small pieces of cake.
>>> The Journey of Heart 2 - Sharing Love